Primary Colors: The base of all colors. In the additive color system (it uses light) the primary colors are: Blue, Red, and Green. In the subtractive color system (it uses pigment) the primary colors are: Blue, Red, and Yellow.
RGB color scheme. From the additive system, if they are all mixed they create white. |
Primary colors in the subtractive system, if they are all mixed they create black. |
Complimentary colors: Opposite hues in the color wheel. They accentuate each other side to side, and they neutralize each other if combined.
The primary colors are to the left, and it's complimentary to the right. Yellow - Violet, Blue - Orange, and Red - Green.
Optical Mixture: Mixture of colors created by the eye when a pattern of color is close together.
The colors at the sides seem more clear than the colors at the top of the cube, even though they are the same. |